Join us for 30 Days of Gratitude through the entire month of November. A daily Bible verse and a gratitude prompt will guide through intentional gratitude each day. Practicing gratitude is part of our growing spiritually and part of the renewal of our hearts and minds. As we practice gratitude we will also discover how healing it can be for our own lives, when we become a grateful people.
30 Days of Gratitude Playlist
Use this playlist for your worship time during these 30 days of gratitude and encourage others to join you by sharing the playlist with them
30 Days of Gratitude
November 1st starts our 30 Days of Gratitude Challenge! Each day we will post a Bible verse here and on social media along with a gratitude prompt for you to reflect on.
We have a few ideas to help get you started.
We have a few ideas to help get you started.
- Use a special spot in your home to reflect on gratitude each day
- Take a drive each day to reflect and ponder gratitude
- Do daily journaling
- Coffee with a friend to encourage gratitude
- Tale a walk in nature and be grateful
- Choose to lead grateful conversations
- keep a stack of post-its nearby to jot down grateful thoughts throughout your day
Day 1

Daily Posture. Let's start out our 30 Days of Gratitude with prayer. Today, pray that 1 Thessalonians 5:18 will become a daily posture of your heart. #andbethankful
Day 2

Leads. Refreshes. Guides. We've picked three words from these verses to ponder today - jot down some thoughts about what these words mean to you in your personal life and spiritual life. #andbethankful
Day 3

Fight the coasting-potential. It's mid-week and it's easy to coast through to the weekend but the Bible commands us: "whatever you do...do it all in the name of the Lord." Be mindful of the coasting-potential and fight it today - what are a few things about your weekday activities that you are grateful for? #andbethankful
Day 4

shelter. Dwelling in the shelter of The Most High is the greatest place we could ever call home. Today, consider your favorite room in your home - what makes it your favorite space and how does it remind you of God? #andbethankful
Day 5

INDESCRIBABLE GIFT - describe the most prized gift you've been given, aside from grace. If possible send a message of thank you to the sender. #andbethankful
Day 6

Today, let's be thankful for the gift of grace. Consider a time when you didn't know true grace in your life and then worship God for this unearnable gift. #andbethankful
Day 7

This scripture is written by he Apostle Paul. It's a part of his final encouragement to the church in Philippi. Chances are that someone telling you not to be anxious wouldn't feel encouraging - like "just don't do it! stop it!" But the two verses before it say "Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again, rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near." THEN HE SAYS "Do not be anxious about anything..." Today, think of a time when you felt anxious about something - consider how God showed up for you in that moment and worship Him with gratitude today. #andbethankful
Day 8

Perfect. Flawless. Protector. Let those words sink in - they don't describe you, your spouse, your family or friends - they describe God! List three more of your favorite attributes of God today. Then ponder or journal on why they mean so much to you. #andbethankful
Day 9

ALWAYS. Write about a time you were empowered to give thanks in what looked like a difficult time. #andbethankful
Day 10

Did you know you can be grateful in confession? Spend time today finding gratitude in confessing where you fall short with God and where He is faithful, just, and forgiving! #andbethankful
Day 11

Give us some of your favorite worship songs that speak about the love of God! Remember we have a playlist stocked and ready on our website to be a part of this gratitude journey with you #andbethankful
Day 12

Enduring Love. Give us some of your favorite worship songs that speak about the love of God. #andbethankful
Day 13

Reverance and Awe. At some point in your life you have probably walked through a situation that has felt precarious. Like, just one wrong yank of a jenga piece and the whole situation was going to crumble. But Hebrews 12:28 says that we are recieving a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Not just that it hasn't been shaken or isn't shaking now but that it CAN NOT be shaken. Also, it uses the word "recieving". As in, we are currently getting it - it's not a far off gift we have to wait for or something that was given long ago but a current gift...that is unshakable. Today, find a way to show graitutde to God for the situations in your life that have felt shaky because those situations help you appreciate the unshakability of His Kingdom that you are currently experiencing.
Day 14

Hidden blessings - share a blessing you discovered in the midst of a struggle.
Day 15

Today, consider a time when a body of believers rallied around you. Between prayers of gratitude for those people, send them a note and thank them for that moment!
Day 16

Today, consider a time when a body of believers rallied around you. Between prayers of gratitude for those people, send them a note and thank them for that moment!
Day 17

Father of Heavenly Lights. In our Fear of the Lord series back in September there was a sermon that included stats on light reaching earth. Some of those stats were staggering - stars' light reaching earth actually takes years. Let some of those stats Cause you awe and wonder today as you thank the Father of Heavenly Lights for the incredible detail He put into His creation.
Day 18

Protection & Power. This is a fairly well known Psalm - one that maybe you don't know verbatim but if you were to look it up. you'd know many individual verses. Ultimately it's a Psalm that declares confidence in God. Declares that He is powerful and that He is protector. Create a list of your confidences in God - declare who He is to you and how He has made Himself known in your life personally. #andbethankful
Day 19

Worship with abandon. We were created to worship God - not with timidity and apprehension - but with complete abandon! We challenge you to worship God with abandon today! Sing out! Raise your eyes and hands in awe and reverence to God (don't forget the worship playlist on the website!) #andbethankful
Day 20

Victory. Who doesn't love a good victory story? An underdog emerges from a well-fought battle victorious and the entire world cheers...We are an underdog and our victory looks different than the world would define it but His victory is our victory! Live your day from a stance of victory and before bed tonight discuss your victorious day with a spouse, friend or family member #andbethankful
Day 21

Protected. Imagine a distracted shepherd. The sheep would have no one to guard them, no one to keep them away from poisonous plants or ward off predators. But a good shepherd - they're attentive to the flock - intentionally watchful and prepared to protect. Today, give thanks for situations you've been protected in and through #andbethankful
Day 22

Praise & Glorify. "When I think about glorifying God with song I truthfully get a bit giddy. There is something deep inside me that knows that's where I'm at my best. And it's not because every note is perfect and I never struggle through the truths in the songs. It's because deep inside I know that's where I was created to live - in that posture of praise & thanksgiving" - MFMCer #andbethankful
Day 23

God is mighty to save. He loves you and takes absolute pleasure in you regardless of your perfomance or inadequate offering or insecurity. He rejoices over you with singing. Let that sink in today #andbethankful God is for you
Day 24

It's pretty common to spend our prayer time givng God a list of requests. Risk asking the Holy Spirit to direct you in prayer today - listen to the prompting He gives & pray that way! We encourage you to take notes on your prayer prompts also & be watchful for how He answers them #andbethankful
Day 25

Compassion & Safety Sheep are good at flocking & following instinct. They frighten easily & they have no defense system so they tend to flee when danger looms. Here Jesus sees a crowd of people & He sees a flock, defenseless and following instincts. So, he starts "teaching them many things..." to build new instincts. Think through some of your instincts before Jesus & take notice of how God provided safety in the middle of poor instincts. Now, think about the instincts He's given you through His teachings #andbethankful
Day 26

Compassion & Safety Sheep are good at flocking & following instinct. They frighten easily & they have no defense system so they tend to flee when danger looms. Here Jesus sees a crowd of people & He sees a flock, defenseless and following instincts. So, he starts "teaching them many things..." to build new instincts. Think through some of your instincts before Jesus & take notice of how God provided safety in the middle of poor instincts. Now, think about the instincts He's given you through His teachings #andbethankful
Day 27

Enter With Praise. We'd love for you to spend time preparing yourself for entering church tomorrow with Thanksgiving & Praise. Spend time today simply making a list of your blessings. We'll help you start with: Ability to breathe. A loving God. A church family...go ahead, keep going #andbethankful
Day 28

What better way to express gratitude than to share your faith with someone. Today we encourage you to "profess your faith" - tell what Jesus is doing in you to all who will listen! #andbethankful
Day 29

Our definition of slowness can sometimes cause us to become frustrated in situations that we are better suited for patience (not something that many of us excel at). This scripture says that the Lord is not slow in keeping His promise "as some understand slowness." Today, take a step back from your definition of slowness and excercise patience just as in 2 Peter 3:9 it says "instead he [The Lord] is patient with you..." #andbethankful
Day 30

God So Loved. Countless times in scripture we are reminded of how much God loves us! Today, we urge you to spend time telling God why you love Him #andbethankful